BAS World Partner
Your destination to buy and sell commercial vehicles & equipment worldwide. BAS World provides a platform where sellers can showcase their vehicles and equipment to an international audience of potential buyers. Simultaneously, it enables buyers to explore and compare a wide range of commercial vehicles and equipment from around the world, granting them access to an extensive selection of options. BAS World facilitates transactions on a global scale, allowing sellers to expand their reach, and giving buyers the opportunity to find precisely what they're looking for, no matter where it may be located in the world.
Lecitrailer Carrier Vector 1550
22 900EUR
Precio sin IVA
- ≈ 26 465 301 ARS
- ≈ 24 705 USD
Schmitz Cargobull Schmitz Cargobull
23 900EUR
Precio sin IVA
- ≈ 27 620 991 ARS
- ≈ 25 784 USD
Schmitz Cargobull Schmitz Cargobull
23 900EUR
Precio sin IVA
- ≈ 27 620 991 ARS
- ≈ 25 784 USD
Schmitz Cargobull Schmitz Cargobull
23 900EUR
Precio sin IVA
- ≈ 27 620 991 ARS
- ≈ 25 784 USD
Schmitz Cargobull Schmitz Cargobull
23 900EUR
Precio sin IVA
- ≈ 27 620 991 ARS
- ≈ 25 784 USD
Lecitrailer LTM-3E Lonas Techo Elevable Semi-Mega
7 400EUR
Precio sin IVA
- ≈ 8 552 106 ARS
- ≈ 7 983 USD